Efficiently Communicate With Staff And Clients Via SMS

SMS has proven to be a success for all businesses. The average text message campaign conversion rate is 45% (Salesforce) compared to the average eDM conversion rate of 15.11% (Brilliance); the results speak for themself. Whether you require reliable communication for staff management or your needs calls for a cut-through method to promote upcoming sales – with SMS, the possibilities are endless.

Photo of someone holding mobile in their hand with message bubbles notifying recipient that there is a shift available

In Australia alone, we have 32.47 million mobile connections (Source: GSMA Jan 2021 excluding IOT). With so many mobile connections comes so many means of communication. It’s easy for people to become overwhelmed with a sea of social media accounts and other comms apps. With SMS, 90% are opened (on average) within 3 minutes. Providing receipt of read message is made easier, ensuring you have full confidence your messages have been seen and provide open communication channels for two-way chat.

What problem can Esendex SMS solve for you?


Send and receive SMS online

Send text confirmations or bulk SMS via any computer, smartphone or tablet with the Esendex portal. With the ability to import contacts and export analytic reports, no other software is required to start communicating efficiently today.



Why re-invent the wheel? Our SMS API can fit into your existing CRM or communication platform. No need for extensive staff training or expensive restructuring; we can work with your current process (sometimes within minutes). If you don’t have developer skills, Zapier is a plug-in-and-play tool that allows Esendex to work on various platforms. Alternatively, our API is available in Java, Ruby, cURL, C#, PHP, Go and Node.


SMS chat

Does your business require more functionality than one-way (no-reply) SMS? Our SMS chat provides the ability for your recipient to reply via SMS, enabling a two-way conversation. This functionality can relieve the pressure from busy phone lines and may seem less intrusive than calling to certain audiences. No message will be left unanswered with our secure online portal, and you can allocate the best staff member to each conversation.


SMS plugins

The Esendex system works with an extensive array of third-party software providers. We offer dedicated plugins for Zendesk, Goldmine and Outlook. With Zapier we can integrate with 1000s of systems, including Magento, Salesforce and SQL.


SMS landing pages

Mobile landing pages are a (mobile) optimised webpage designed to lead users to a pre-defined purpose. By removing distractions like toolbars and multiple links, your landing page can help you achieve goals such as receiving payments or even delivering location directions.


Collect feedback

No need to sugarcoat it; many surveys are tedious. Ensure you’re providing an aesthetically pleasing, interactive experience when you request your customer’s time. Work with our research experts to design a survey that will get completed. Esendex SMS Surveys provides you with a great foundation to build an engaging, delightful and simple-to-use survey. Most importantly, our survey builder is easy to use too.


Email to SMS

Send SMS from your existing email system, available on most email clients, including Microsoft Outlook, Gmail and Apple Mail. Our system is plug-in-and-play and fits in perfectly with your current process. We also offer machine learning solutions to track communication engagement and preferences

Prefer SMPP?

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our Esendex SMPP API. We also support SMS via SMPP 3.4 protocol. The Esendex API is still fully supported by our communication experts, direct networks, and the ability to export full analytic reports.

SMS for business, by the numbers


We commit to processing 90% of your messages within 5 seconds and 95% within 20 seconds.


The average SMS campaign conversion rate is 45% (Source: Salesforce).


When asked, 75% of phone users wanted to receive texts with special offers. (SmallBizDaily)

6-8 times higher

Illustration of person holding coin, with increasing graph line in background
In comparison to eDM, SMS engagement rates were 6-8 times higher when used for retail. (Retail Drive)

Start communicating efficiently