A snapshot of a week in the life of a CEO

Topic: Esendex

Julian (1)One important requirement of a global company is to ensure that its various country offices around the world do not become cut off from the head office.There are a range of reasons why this is important.  It ensures uniformity of the brand, ensures messages are consistent and the culture of the business is maintained. It also helps to make sure that the offices around the world do not  feel that they have been set adrift and they still feel part of the corporate “family”.To some extent, today’s  technology (emails, video conferencing, mobile phones, etc) helps to relieve some of the feelings of detachment satellite offices may have. However frequent visits between offices are still necessary.At Esendex, these visits are largely the responsibility of Julian Hucker, our CEO. You can track Julian’s latest tour by visiting his blog.

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Liz Wilson