Accountants – Use SMS this End of Financial Year!

Topic: Guides

SMS for AccountantsThe end of financial year is upon us! And what a great opportunity it is for accounting firms to make some huge revenues with small outbound effort.During this time of year, as an accountant, you can make a great deal of revenue is a short space of time. To help you take full advantage of this period, use SMS to pull in those past clients and/or opportunities.If you collected the mobile numbers from your clients and other opportunities last year, or have them on file from recent interactions, you can contact them to organise an appointment. As long as those that you are contacting are clients of yours, and you are simply organising an appointment, you won’t need to offer an opt-out.IMPORTANT: If you are sending a marketing message, even to current clients, you will need an opt-out clause. Do this early to make sure you’re the first one they go to for their tax return.

Why is SMS is your best approach?

  • 98% of SMS are read compared to 22% of emails (Frost & Sullivan)
  • On average it takes only 90 seconds to evoke a response to an SMS (CITA)
  • The average person receives 1,216 emails per month, compared to only 178 text messages (Tatango)

Recipients of SMS are much more likely to read their message compared with other channels, it will also evoke a quicker response. Further to this, the message will not get lost in all the noise; noise that could be from your competitors. SMS is also relatively cheap, especially when you look at the read rates.You can also use SMS to send a reminder to your client  to make sure they do not forget the appointment that they have made with you; in many cases the cost of your SMS messages can be covered by simply avoiding one missed appointment. You don’t have to be an accountant to realise that makes financial sense. If you’d like more information on SMS within the accounting industry or you’d like to get started and take advantage of this channel, please call us on 1300 764 946 or email [email protected].

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Liz Wilson