Did you know you can see your entire SMS conversations?

Topic: Did you know, Guides

We were recently asked by a customer to add a feature to our platform whereby they could see an entire conversation between themselves and a particular mobile number. That would be a very valuable feature, right?The great news is, and you, like our customer who asked for it, may not have been aware of, that we do have that feature. And once you know how to find it, it will make sense.

How to find it

  1. Go to your ‘Sent Items’ and then make sure you’re looking at ‘Messages’.
  2. Either search for the recipient’s number in the recipient search box, or find it within the messages
  3. Click on the recipient’s number
  4. Then, simply click on the recipient’s number again and you’ll see the conversation in full.

conversationsThis is a great way to keep track of individual conversations and understand what they have been saying. As well as the above method, you can access a conversation from your inbox or batches too, and you can do so by clicking on the recipients number, in most cases, twice.If you have any suggestions for our products, don’t hesitate to contact us or call us on 1300 764 946 and let us know, the feature might already exist and we can point you in the direction.

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Liz Wilson