Echo – our new Web SMS application is launched today

Topic: Esendex
Echo has been available for several months within our Beta Zone but at 10:00 GMT today Echo Version 1.0 will be released into the wild as a live application.It will be the default for all new customers, although of course our “classic” Web SMS application is still available and supported for both new and existing customers.A quick tour will highlight just how big a step forward Echo is over our current version of Web SMS – with a more intuitive navigation, useful new functionality such as mail merging bulk SMS sends direct from an Excel spreadsheet , and a far more attractive and consistent design.  However, Echo is also provides the basis for a exciting range of new services and functionality that we describe as Message Relationship Management – the ability to centralise and organise all your online messages and contacts. At go-live you will be able to:
  • View threaded SMS conversations – just click on a Sent or Received SMS to see the other parts of the conversation
  • Live access to contacts in other online tools such as Plaxo and Salesforce

And within just a few weeks, perhaps most usefully of all, you will be able to import your contacts from your mobile phoneIf you are an existing customer and would like to try Echo simply visit and log-in as usual. If you don’t have an account the please sign-up for a free trial now – we’d love to hear what you think.

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