Esendex competed in the Tri Series Corporate Triathlon!

Topic: Esendex

Anthony from the Esendex Au team riding a bicycleAt Esendex, we’re very enthusiastic about competitive sport, and not just watching it. We have a long history of competing in Triathlons in particular. Our UK team took on the Esendex last minute triathlon in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. They also participated in the London Triathlon in 2009, and the Blenheim triathlon in 2010. We even sponsored a pro for a couple of years too.

Andy running This year in Australia, we finally had enough willing participants to form a team for the AustralianSuper Corporate Triathlon, which took place yesterday.

Our three competitors, Anthony, Andy and Chris, were ready to complete a triathlon, consisting of of a 400m swim, 10km ride and a 4km run. Once they finished their own triathlon, they would pass the baton to the next team mate, in a relay style.

Unfortunately, due to heavy rain the night before, the swim was replaced with a beach run. This was a huge relief to Anthony, who had convinced himself he would drown. We were pretty sure he wouldn’t.

Andy, our Marketing Manager and the third competitor, wasn’t as happy with the swimming being cancelled. “The triathlon, or duathlon as it became, was a bit disappointing due to the lack of a swim. However, I pushed myself as hard as I could, and it felt great to bring our team home!” He told us this morning.

Christ runningIt would have been the first triathlon Anthony and Chris had competed in, if not for the swim cancellation turning it into a Duathlon (run/cycle/run). Whatever you’d like to call it, we’re very proud of their efforts in training beforehand and their team work on the day.

We think the laps around albert park during lunch breaks really paid off for them, with an awesome total time of 2h44m38s. Anthony finished his turn in 58:31, Chris in 56:13, and Andy finished off the race with a time of 48:31.

We’re always looking for new fun ways to stay fit and promote teamwork, so if you have any ideas or know of any upcoming events, leave a comment below!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia