The first “Show & Tell” at Esendex

Topic: Esendex

Presentation on FeefoLast Friday, in an attempt to bring our ever growing staff together and to help each of us understand how each and every one of us affects the success of Esendex, we held our first Show & Tell in our Nottingham offices. The principle is simple; to talk briefly, informally and concisely about a current project we are working on.This week we had Yasser from Finance talking about fraudulent purchases, and the efforts we go to, to crack down on this and reduce it as much as possible without compromising genuine customers’ experiences.Paul Spencer from Sales, talked about out latest big customer win; how each team played a part in making sure the customer would be satisfied with our service.Jason from development went into some detail on how we are utilising the cloud to cut costs, increase system capacity and improve our service.Paul Smith and Jeremy Bourhis talked about the positive feedback we receive from our customers, and how we went about establishing this service.And finally, Lee from Operations explained how he and others were able to improve the speed of bulk sends, making them go out even quicker than before.Everyone felt these talks were of worth and we have decided to continue to run them on a monthly basis.UJ7B89ZYJEVE

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Liz Wilson