Healthcare providers find SMS helps manage a healthy pregnancy!

Topic: Healthcare, Uses of SMS

A pregnant womanExpecting parents face many concerns during the pregnancy period, mostly about the future of their kids, and what to do when they are born. However, maintaining health during the prenatal period for both the mother and the child is also highly important.

Text messages can provide a valuable resource during the pregnancy period, informing the mother about ways to optimise her health while carrying. SMS can also supply a direct link from the mother to the healthcare provider, eliminating traditional barriers to accessing care, like proximity to healthcare facilities.Healthcare professionals around the world are seeing the benefits of implementing SMS strategies to assist expectant mothers. One community health centre in the US saw enormous success with a text message strategy offering prenatal care advice to expectant mothers.Women subscribed to the service to receive personalised information, providing a few key details like their expected due date, and receive a couple of text messages a week. The texts contained simple reminders to help with their care, like to remember to count the number of kicks they felt from the baby. As pregnancy progressed, they received more frequent text messages.The results speak for themselves:

  • All women who participated opened every text message they received

  • 84% of them said the program was helpful in teaching them how to care for themselves and their babies during their pregnancy

  • 100% of the women said they would recommend the program to other pregnant women

Text messaging provides a comfortable and familiar way for healthcare organisations to keep pregnant women informed during a time of change, and conveniently offers any additional help they may need.

If you are a healthcare group or organisation, learn more about the possibilities for SMS to help facilitate a healthy pregnancy by giving us a call on 1300 764 946 or sign up for a free trial today!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia