Introducing our new website!

Topic: Esendex

Today we are excited to announce the launch of our new and, we hope you’ll agree, improved website! Just like our SMS service, it’s extremely user-friendly and is accessible to all audiences. It also has a sleek modern design to reflect our growing cutting-edge business.

It features detailed explanations of all our services, and a FAQ page to clarify any lingering questions you may have. So the new site is not just aesthetically pleasing, but very informative too, cracking the myth that beauty and brains are mutually exclusive.

It’s also not just informative about our services either, the website offers our customers and stakeholders additional resources beyond simply our products and services. Some of these resources include easier access to our industry-focused White Papers. These show potential customers the facts and figures relating to communication strategies across key industry sectors and illustrate the effectiveness of SMS. The heavily researched documents can help guide intelligent decision-making. Furthermore, we have developed more customer stories to showcase the satisfaction of many businesses among our 20,000 customers. This will help customers to see the major benefits offered by our services, as exemplified by businesses just like theirs.Unlike many companies in the digital space, which would outsource such a project, inevitably losing some control of the outcome, we completed the website from start to finish in-house. Utilising the expertise of our many teams, but primarily our creative department—made up of our designers and web developers—and marketing department. Everything from the conceptual ideals to the fully functioning website, and the vast detail, was all aimed at helping our customers and potential customers.

Also, all the photos decorating our various pages are actually of Esendex team members, not international supermodels as you’d think. This will help future customers start to get to know us better, as well as the services we offer.

The website is a portrayal of us as a company, it contains us, and was completely built by us. Nothing at Esendex is done half-heartedly. Nothing is “thrown together”. We have a vision and we achieve that vision with a great deal of effort and hard work. Have a look at the website today and enjoy-!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia