Optimising form conversion on a mobile – infographic

Topic: How to:

According to Pew Research Centre, Australia leads the way with smartphone adoption –  at 77% ownership (source), we’re second only to South Korea! Despite this almost complete saturation, businesses have struggled to find ways to engage with their customers via mobile.While there’s movement towards mobile friendly websites, this in and of itself isn’t fixing the issue. Even with mobile optimisation, the volume of visitors completing registration forms, buying items, requesting trials and simply making contact is vastly reduced when the website is accessed via a mobile device compared to a desktop computer.In the development and beta testing of our Mobile Journey platform, we’ve learned a lot about what you can do to encourage form completion on a mobile: by reducing friction and building trust, our customers are achieving an average click-to-completion rate of 46.5%.We’ve highlighted the six most successful tactics, which can be applied to almost any platform, in our infographic!Mobile form conversion rate optimisation infographicIf you’d like to try out Esendex’s Mobile Journeys platform, you can take a free trial here, or contact us on 1300 764 946.

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Liz Wilson