Retailers, drive last minute Christmas traffic with SMS

Topic: Guides

Christmas ShoppingYou might think it’s too late to drive any more traffic into your stores before Christmas day, but it’s not.You may have realised that planning an email campaign now, so close to the big day, will be a strain on resources. You’ll need to find enough content to fill the email, create the design for the email and pull favours from different departments to get things done quickly. What a hassle.After you have managed to get all that done, it will probably be too late to ensure enough people read it to drive any noticeable difference in foot traffic. If you’re unaware of the statistics, only 22% of people even open an email. Another factor working against your favour is that many of your customers will have broken up for Christmas, therefore checking their emails less frequently than they might have at work.SMS is works differently to all of the above. All you really need is a short message to encourage customers to come into your store. Often it is more about timing than the message itself. Reminding customers that you’re there.As I’m sure you’re very well aware, Christmas eve is a huge day for in-store shopping. Timing your message to hit the phones of your customers on the morning of Christmas eve can drive many customers into your store that are panicking on what to buy. Customers that may have otherwise visited a competitor.If, for example, you’re a store selling young women’s clothing, you can send a message reminding them that if they have a daughter or sister to buy for, they should come in to your store. Mentioning that there is plenty to buy at all price ranges will close off any doubt as to whether they can afford a gift from you. The message could look something like this:

“Come into CHLOE’S CLOTHING and get that special gift for your daughter or sister. Gifts at all price points and free gift wrapping available. Opt out reply STOP”

Not only have you given them an idea, one less person to think about, but by offering something like a gift wrapping service, they can now kill two birds with one stone.The huge advantage of SMS is the timing. Getting to people at the right time, when time is of the essence—last minute Christmas shopping—is key to driving foot traffic, and nothing can do that as well as SMS. Around 98% of people will open an SMS, and they will do so within 3 minutes of receipt. Whereas, emails can be easily missed, deleted or ignored. Social media can be skimmed passed, lost in a newsfeed amongst competitors and cat videos or simply not even seen. There is nothing quite like SMS.Call us on 1300 764 946 and we’ll help you get this important send out in time for Christmas.

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Liz Wilson