The ACCC take a bite out of Apple

Topic: Industry News

Someone playing on an ipadAs many of you may have heard the ACCC is instigating legal action against Apple for what it believes to be false and misleading claims that the new iPad 3 has 4G capabilities within Australia. For anyone who has purchased one of these beasties and tried to connect to Telstra’s new 4G network, which is limited at the moment anyway a la when 3G was rolled outa few years ago, it doesn’t appear to be the case.On the back of Apples 4G claims the ACCC have taken legal action against Apple alleging that the promotion of the “iPad with WiFi + 4G” is misleading as you’d expect 4G is 4G, but alas it’s not and it doesn’t, at least in Apple’s world.Last week Apple provided an undertaking to the Federal Court that they would, as soon as reasonably practical, but no later than April 5th, display the statement “This product supports very fast cellular networks. It is not compatible with current Australian 4G LTE networks and WiMAX networks.” which we’re happy to advise is now on their website, at least on their store. They have gone one step further to advise, where they have an email address, to send anyone that has already purchased an iPad 3 of the same.And with good reason, many consumers have flagged they would prefer a partial refund as compensation of the lack of 4G, especially in light of the new 4G network with Telstra (where HTC already have mobile devices working on the new high speed network) and Vodafone Hutchinson and Optus are set to launch their 4G networks sooner rather than later. This is a view also taken by the ACCC who have also cited their belief that anyone who has purchased an iPad 3 with the understanding that they can connect to 4G too.The hearing has been set down to be heard on May 2nd, and I’m sure Applites, early adopters, late adopters and everyone in between will keenly await the outcome.

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Liz Wilson