The inconvenient truth about grey routing

Topic: Industry News

Grey_routingIf you are scratching your head right now, wondering what is meant by the term “grey routing,” then rest assured that you are not alone. But we’re about to change that…Earlier this year we ran a survey which suggested that more than 80% of our website visitors were unfamiliar with the term, and as such the risks associated with its use.

So what is grey routing?

Grey routing refers to the practice of disguising business SMS as personal SMS using international networks intended for person to person (P2P) communications to deliver the messages. In doing so, providers get the benefit of avoiding charges that would usually apply to business SMS (also known as application to person A2P).With many security risks to data and message content as well as no guarantee of delivery or when your message will arrive, grey routing does have its drawbacks for those who opt for a grey route provider.

Tempted? Ask yourself the right questions

While low price messages can appear tempting, is the compromise to quality worth the risk? In our survey conducted earlier this year, we asked about the impact low price or quality connections had when choosing an SMS provider. Only 24.5% of respondents chose low price over messages security and reliability. If you value the messages being sent and your recipients data and want to learn more then our latest eBook “What is grey routing?”  provides an in-depth analysis.

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia