Top 10 facts about the mobile industry

Topic: Industry News

facts about mobile messagingWith Facebook recently revealing that 41% of their ad revenue came from mobile, we thought we’d look into some more amazing facts about mobile.Here are our top 10 facts about mobile:

  1. There were 6.8 billion mobile subscribers in 2012. China lead the way with 1.16bn, followed by India with 0.91bn and then the US with 0.32bn. Australia comes in with 16m mobile handset subscribers.
  2. The top 5 markets in terms of their share of the global smartphone sales in 2012 were:
    • China – 26.5%
    • US – 17.8%
    • India – 2.5%
    • UK – 4.5%
    • Brazil – 2.3%
  3. The top 5 smartphone operating systems were:
    • Android – 68.8% (497.1m)
    • iOS – 18.8% (135.9m)
    • BlackBerry OS – 4.5% (32.5m)
    • Symbian – 3.3% (23.9m)
    • Windows – 2.5% (17.9%)
  4. The top 3 smartphone venders were:
    • Samsung – 30.4%
    • Apple – 18.4%
    • Nokia – 5%
  5. There were 7.8 trillion SMS messages sent in 2011 and a predicted 9.6 trillion to be sent in 2012.
  6. SMS marketing will be worth US150bn in 2013.
  7. In 2012, 10.1% of webpage views were viewed through a mobile handset, up from 5.8% in 2011.
  8. By 2016, Application to Person (A2P) messaging will overtake Person to Person (P2P) messaging.
  9. 92% of all people have and keep their cell phones within arm’s reach 24 hours a day, with 90% of them reading their text messages within 3 minutes of it being delivered.
  10. And finally, 50% of smartphone users said they have bought a product on their phone.
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Liz Wilson