Top 5 crowdfunded mobile phone projects – and one failure

Topic: Industry News

Are you tired of going to the bank for a loan? Have a poor credit rating or having trouble getting the banks to fund your ideas? Well, do what everyone else is doing and get the “crowd” to fund your next project!Crowdfunding is a means of raising money for a project by allowing the public to invest in your idea. You don’t need to worry about having to give away equity in your business either as, with most crowd funded projects, you simply offer those funding you a reward, with the size of the reward depending on the amount they fund you. It’s also a great way to build up some product orders before the project is off the ground – many of these crowd funded projects actually offer their product for a fair funding fee.There are a many services out there for you to post a project to and get it funded; just search Google for crowdfunding and you’ll see hundreds. The most popular of these services are perhaps Kickstarter and Indiegogo.Earlier this year the Ubuntu Edge, a powerful mobile phone, smashed all crowdfunding records, however it was still unsuccessful and therefore the failure mentioned in the title. Below are my choices for the top 5 mobile phone related crowdfunded projects.

Ubuntu Edge

Very powerful phone powered by Ubuntu software, which also doubles up as a full desktop PC.

27,635 funders,
$12,814,216 raised of $32,000,000 goal.

NFC Ring

A ring with NFC technology that can be used to unlock doors, unlock mobile phones and transfer information.

7,665 backers,
£241,947 pledged of £30,000 goal.


A bluetooth keyboard for phones and tablets that can be carried in your pocket.

2,372 backers,
$149,088 pledged of $10,000 goal.


The first ever iPhone case that also doubles up as a phone charger.

979 backers,
$130,148 pledged of $125,000 goal.


Use light to power or charge all and any mobile device.

547 backers,
$104,482 pledged of $27,000.

iQi Mobile

Seamless wireless charging accessory for iPhone.

995 funders,
$63,321 raised of $30,000 goal (still going at time of writing).
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Liz Wilson