Top 5 reasons businesses choose SMS over email

Topic: Guides, Uses of SMS

For businesses, reaching a target market in a quick and effective way is a top priority. There are all kinds of ways that a business can reach its target market, but some are more effective than others.  So what are top reasons for business choose SMS over email?

  1. Spam emails are being delivered across both personal and work email networks on an increasingly regular basis. Research has shown that 90% of all emails are spam compared with 1% of text messages (Mobile Marketing Association 2009). Many people also find that important emails sometimes slip through the net and end up in their junk folder. As a result, many businesses are turning to SMS messaging to avoid being filtered out as junk and to send and receive important messages more effectively.
  2. SMS is more widely read than email, 22% of all emails are opened compared to 98% of text messages (Frost & Sullivan 2010).
  3. Emails are perceived as being free when they’re not, when sending from email marketing platforms, they cost a similar price to SMS messages. However when you take into account how many emails are actually opened; they are considerably more expensive than SMS.
  4. We’re all attached to our mobile phones, most of the time.  SMS there enables you to reach the right person at the right time with the right message, all at low cost.
  5. SMS messaging is the most used data service in the world, with most people on the planet sending text messages. There are more people sending SMS than the number of people who use Facebook or Google, and those who send and receive emails.

If you’re thinking about sending SMS take a look at our white paper on sending SMS in Australia. This will guide you through the responsibility for sending SMS, to ensure they are not considered as spam. 

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