Tour de France and Esendex

Topic: Esendex

We have a big cycling fan base at Esendex; which is most likely due to our founders being big cycling enthusiasts. It’s something that just resonates in the culture here. I know that before I started working at Esendex I had no real interest in the sport, but now I am a huge fan. Here is a picture of a few of us taking part in the Great Notts Ride:


When we brought on 15 Love as a customer, we were all very excited. 15Love is a news agency that specializes in the sports world and is particularly responsible for the communication of Brandt during the Tour de France. Brandt being the sponsor for the most combative rider comp; the red bib.15Love are responsible for sending out details of this competition to their press relations. One of the challenges they faced was getting the information out in a timely fashion, as explained by 15Love:

“The time between the riders finishing a stage, the Awards ceremony and sending information to journalists to write their articles is very tight. It was therefore necessary to find a quick and effective solution to communicate the name of the winner of the Combativity award every day.”

By using our Online SMS platform, they are now able to send out all the information to many people in a short amount of time. Journalists no longer had to wait until official press releases were released, which could often be up to an hour after the race and awards ceremony. Now the information was sent instantaneously.Many of us will be tuning in to watch the Tour de France, starting this weekend, cheering on our fellow countryman Cadel Evans as he embarks on his Tour de France challenge. Although I’m English, so I’m cheering on Chris Froome.Let us know who you’re supporting.

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Liz Wilson