The new text and media templates in Messaging Studio

Topic: Esendex, How to:

Messaging Studio was introduced a year ago as the go-to platform for users to build highly engaging and visually attractive rich messages. Today, we are pleased to introduce a new enhancement to the platform – text and media templates. The introduction of the text and media templates open even more possibilities for users to share different types of rich content with the recipients via SMS, and enjoy the much higher open rate from this channel. Let’s look at the new text and media templates in details.

The 3 new templates

After clicking the ‘Create New Template’ button in Messaging Studio, you will be greeted with the below screen presenting you with 3 template options – Text; Image or Video; Graphics, Text and Buttons.


Here you can send a simple text message, with the option to include a PDF file. The file will appear in the SMS as a link, where recipients can click through to view the document. You’ll be able to find out who has clicked to the document from our report.What can it be used for? If you’d like to send detailed documents like instruction manuals, product specifications or terms and conditions etc, this is the perfect option.

Image or video

With this template you’ll be able to send images and video in the format of jpg, png or mp4. The rich content will be included in the text message as a link for now, when RCS becomes available, it will appear inline within the message. The good thing about this is you don’t need to worry about where to host the rich content files, and our reporting will show you exactly who has viewed the rich content. What can it be used for? This is perfect for distributing promotional messages, offers, video advertising or how-to videos for trouble-shooting.

Graphics, text and buttons

This is where you can send SMS Landing Pages – a personalised web page with your company logo, brand colours, images and call-to-action buttons.What can it be used for? This is the perfect tool to get your customers to perform the desired action at the end of the message. Great for appointment confirmations, links to payment portals, fraudulent alerts and delivering personalised offers etc.  If you are curious as to how your business can utilise these templates, or would like to trial them, please get in touch via [email protected] or 1300 764 946. We’d be delighted to help. 

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia