RCS – the cutting edge technology that can help outpace your competitors

Topic: Esendex, Industry News, RCS

A recent report revealed that 57.5% of mobile users are inclined to use Rich Communication Services (RCS) if the experience is at least as good as any of the existing OTT channels like Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger. And while merely 5% of brands surveyed said they would launch RCS messaging immediately, the number increased drastically to nearly 70% in only three years’ time. This represents a huge opportunity for businesses to use RCS to outpace their competitors and be the market leader by leading the change. The one thing to remember with RCS is that unlike Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger, RCS is created with business use in mind. That means as businesses we do have the flexibility and capability to curate the experience we’d like to bring to our customers. While we’re waiting for RCS to launch in Australia, the Esendex team in the UK has been busy working with different businesses who’d like to be at the forefront when RCS rolls out in the UK later this year. Together with GSMA and Google, we’ve recently presented some of the RCS demo work we did with our customers in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Ranging from managing school attendance for Edsmart, improving customer experience for Vaillant to managing season ticket renewal and enhancing match day experience for Nottingham Forest, there truly is a place for RCS in every industry and use case you can think of.Esendex presenting a RCS demo for Edsmart at the Mobile World Congress 2019

           Our Future Messaging Product Manager Michael Power presenting a RCS demo for education solution provider Edsmartat the Mobile World Congress 2019.

If you are not sure what communication process RCS could enhance for your business, or want to know how your customers feel about rich messaging, you don’t have to wait for RCS to arrive to find out. In fact we recommend businesses and organisations start planning and testing now. With SMS Landing Pages, you can test different concepts with different demographics using rich content like images, personalised content and call-to-action buttons to gather data and work out what combination provides the best ROI. This is valuable data to have and is essential to drive the success of your future RCS campaign.If you’d like to start experimenting with rich messaging, or put your vision into action and be the first to launch RCS when it is available, please contact us here! We’d love to work with you along the way.

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia