3 text messaging services to assist you

Topic: Communication, Uses of SMS

New apps are performing all kinds of functions to make your life easier and more organised. They’re also using the familiar medium of SMS, to make the user experience even simpler.


US based service Magic created buzz across all tech forums and blogs this year for providing a particularly cool new service. Basically, they’re your digital delivery service. You send them a text message and they will bring you “anything you want. As long as it’s not illegal”. They’ll both procure it, and deliver it to you, for a reasonable fee. Naturally, the service attracted a lot of interest. At one point, they even had a waiting list of 30,000 people.  


GoButler works in a similar way, you send a text message and one of their “heroes” will sort you out with whatever you need. From travel bookings to restaurant reservations an SMS can get you it. They’ll do all the organising for you. It’s currently available in the US, Canada and throughout many countries in Europe. It’s not here yet, which is unfortunate because it’s actually free!


gonelogoGone is like ebay, it’ll help you easily sell all your old stuff. The new app lets you snap a picture of items you want to sell and add a description. It will either sell the item for you, or donate it to charity if it can’t find a buyer. Now, you can even do this through text messaging. Just send the first message detailing your item and asking how much it’s worth. They’ll message back with an amount they can get you for it. If you accept, you text back saying so and they’ll message you with the details of when a courier is coming to pick it up. The most you have to do is pack your goods in the box that they deliver to you!Then, Gone will send a cheque, transfer funds via PayPal, or offer an Amazon.com Gift Card according to your preference. With just a few simple text messages, you could get rid of all your old stuff and make a neat profit. If you want to learn how to use SMS to make your business communication as simple and easy as these apps have, give us a call today on 1300 764 946. 

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia