A bit of Love from the UK this week

Topic: Communication, Esendex, Technical

CEO of Esendex Geoff Love

One of the exciting things about working for a global, innovative and motivated company is that things are always evolving. Another exciting thing is that we have a mix of different people all over the world, who work so closely together as a team. This week we experienced a great example of both these things when our CEO, Geoff Love, came to visit us all the way from the UK and personally explain the direction we’re going in for expanding and perfecting our service.

Our latest acquisition of Collstream seemed like an exciting indication of our plans for world domination, but it was also kind of hard to see how it would impact us here in Australia up to this point. Geoff explained that growing was a big part of the plan, but the main thing that would change here is that we’re looking at rolling out new products and services thanks to the specialisations of our new little brother company. We’re moving into a pioneering role in business communications as we spread our wings across new channels, platforms, services and other magical stuff in the coming months and years.As always, our main aim is to address the problems people and businesses face in communication, and provide the specifically tailored solution in any context. As Geoff says, there are so many choices when it comes to technology now and it can be overwhelming. We’re helping guide businesses in the right direction, not by guessing what works, but by calculating it. Our specialty is testing the effectiveness of communication strategies and learning the best method of getting important information across quickly and clearly. It’s not just about sending SMS, it’s about finding the optimal solution and targeting barriers to effective communication.Geoff also stressed the importance of creating more leadership roles within our company, investing as heavily in our human resources as we are doing our products and services. Having clever, efficient and motivated leaders within our organisation is an absolute necessity for building our presence. This is reflective of our leadership role as technological communications experts within the industry.We’re lucky to hear about our plans in the UK from someone at the core of our business over there. Not to mention someone who clearly knows how to steer in the right direction, the guy who doubled the business in size in less than two years as CEO.Visitors from our European offices also keep everyone in the organisation so connected on a social as well as professional level.It’s not all about us though. When we asked him the best thing about visiting Australia (other than Australians obviously) he said it was just like seeing your kids grow up. You don’t notice it because it’s gradual, but others from the outside often say, “look how big they are” and you realise. Just like that, seeing our progress is more noticeable and striking when it’s only seen in the flesh in intervals across time. He also doesn’t mind the change in weather too much either. 

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia