Accountants should cash-in with SMS at tax time!

Topic: Uses of SMS

accountantsIt’s approaching that time of year again, tax time. For some of us, there’s the possibility of a tax refund that could just, maybe, go towards a holiday. For accountants, there’s a busy time ahead.A flood of new business at tax time presents huge opportunities for accounting organisations and their staff, but it can also be frustrating to cope with.Thankfully, we’ve got some tips that will help make the workload manageable, without preventing you harnessing all the new business you can.The first thing to do is contact your previous clients! This will mean you’ll be their first thought when it comes to tax returns.Whilst you could send them an email, they may not see it in a cluttered inbox.  You also don’t have any time to be calling everyone you’ve ever helped before, given it’s such a busy period of year.Instead, use SMS to draw in business. Sending an SMS out is the quickest and easiest way to get in touch, and secure their business for this year’s tax returns.You can also schedule reminder messages, so that later down the track, they don’t miss the appointment they booked.An accountant’s time is valuable, so any missed appointments are a waste of money. If just one client makes it to their appointment rather than missing it because of the reminder, your whole investment in communication could be paid for by this one instance.If you have to send detailed financial reports to clients for the End of Financial Year, and you need a response to progress services, SMS campaigns can help hasten up this process. Inform clients about incoming reports, or reports that are newly available with SMS.If you handle payslips and payment summaries for your clients, send an accompanying SMS to their employees so that they know exactly when all the information they need is available. It’ll boost your client satisfaction by showing a dedication to making things as quick and easy for them as possible!If there are any delayed payments later down the track, you can also follow them up with billing reminders via SMS. It’s the quickest way to remind your clients that they have unpaid bills, which will lead to swift collection of receivables.SMS can provide a comprehensive solution to all your communication needs at this busy time, so give us a call today on 1300 764 946 and talk to one of our experts.

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia