How SMS Marketing can help drive sales this Mother’s Day

Topic: Guides, How to:, Retail

Artboard 1Mother’s day is fast approaching, and many of your customers have yet to buy their mother something nice. This year Australians are set to spend $1.3 billion on mum this Mother’s Day, according to industry analyst figures (IBISWorld).How can you get the last minute shoppers into your business? With SMS marketing, it’s never too late to send out an SMS campaign. All you need to do is write a message, upload the data and choose a time to send. There’s no email to code, no designers are needed and no landing pages to create.Mother’s Day gifts vary greatly, from clothing to breakfasts, perfume to consumables, and theatre shows to gift vouchers. There are so many industries that can take a slice of that $1.3billion pie.Here are some of our tips on how to get the most out of Mother’s Day:Online retailers: take a look in your website’s Analytics to find out when your traffic is usually at its highest. This will indicate when most people are likely to be able to get online. Schedule your SMS message to go out, including a link to your website, just before this peak time and you’ll see an influx of visitors and an increase in sales.Physical store retailers: generally speaking Saturday mornings are the busiest shopping periods, but if that’s not your peak time, adjust your send time appropriately. By using SMS you can schedule the message to go out on a Saturday morning, at 9am for example, just as your customers are about to set out to do some shopping. Many of whom are likely to be for a Mother’s Day gift. Take the hassle of coming up with ideas away from your customers by giving them a couple. They will read the message within 3 minutes of receiving it, meaning if you target their phones at the right time you’ll be able to sit back and watch the sales come in.Cafes/restaurants: Eating out for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner has jumped by 2.1% since 2014 to $327.5 million. An increasingly most popular way to spoil mum once a year.However, many sons and daughters might be under the impression that it’s too late to book a table for their family on Sunday. If you happen to have tables free—and you have mobile numbers to hand—send out an SMS marketing campaign encouraging your patrons to book with you now. Create urgency in the message by saying there are only a few tables free. Be prepared for an influx of calls, so make sure you are not busy when you send out your campaign.Bottle shops and Wine cellars: the greatest growth is a 3.8% surge in consumables in 2015, as sons and daughters spend $138m on a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates. Therefore—as well as stocking special Mother’s day hampers, or even just a Mother’s day packaging—you can encourage your members and customers to choose wine as their special gift by sending out an SMS marketing campaign.Use emotive language such as “share” to encourage the idea that being together on Mother’s Day is as greater gift as any, and of course that wine can only improve that. Or even encourage your customers to “celebrate” their Mother with a bottle of bubbles.Hotels: if you have rooms available over the Mother’s Day weekend, why not discount those rooms? Send out an SMS marketing campaign to guests who have previously stayed with you, encouraging them to treat their mum to a last minute surprise weekend away.Spas and beauty parlours: pampering services that include spa and massage sessions or hair and makeup treatments have risen by a 1.8% to $148.1m since last year. Make sure your parlour is pampering your customers’ mothers this Sunday by sending out an SMS campaign.Theatres and performing arts companies: show tickets are also selling more than in past years. Increase sales to unfilled shows by sending out an SMS campaign encouraging your patrons to choose this increasingly popular treat. A very thoughtful gift indeed. As you can see, there are many different gift ideas and although they may seem obvious to you, within your given industry, they might not be as obvious to your customers. Make sure you send out an SMS marketing campaign to remind them to shop with you. You’ll see a huge spike in sales. SMS is especially useful for last minute sales as the message is read almost immediately and by 98% of those who receive it.Call us now on 1300 764 946 and we can help you organise an SMS campaign to hit your customers’ phones before Mother’s Day. 

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Liz Wilson