How to increase your SMS Marketing opt in rates

Topic: SMS Marketing

SMS marketing has proved itself to be one of the most effective communication channels available for businesses. It can be used in a wide range of scenarios, including administrative updates, payment reminders, collecting feedback, and boosting sales. 

Customers are eager to use this method of communication. More specifically, 85% of consumers prefer receiving an SMS to a phone call or email. Not only this but, 66% of consumers would like to be notified via text, however only 23% of businesses employ SMS marketing. 

Although the benefits and uses of SMS marketing are evident, how can a business get started if they’ve never used it before? First things first, before you begin to craft your message and plan your marketing campaign, you need to make sure you have a database to target.

In other words, you’ll need to find customers and ask them to ‘opt in’ to your SMS services. The more extensive your contact list, the higher the chances of your marketing campaign being successful. Although building your database from scratch will take time and effort, ultimately, it will deliver much better results. Here’s how you can get started. 

Here’s how to increase your SMS opt in rates:

Use your website 

A website tends to be the first point of contact for most companies in the digital age. You can create a website pop-up that provides customers with an attractive offer when they opt in to your SMS services. When customers are completing a purchase, you can also ask them for their contact details and confirm whether they would like to stay in touch via SMS. 

Use your social media

Social media is an excellent tool that can be used to increase your SMS opt in rates, as most companies already have a substantial following across different platforms. It’s important to cross-promote and employ an omnichannel approach, as you may not have the same kind of following on Instagram as you do on Facebook or Tik Tok. It’s also an excellent way to generate new content and offer your followers special discounts or incentives.

Use your physical store

If you own a bricks-and-mortar store, you can also use this space to generate interest around your SMS services. At the check-out tills, you could ask your customers whether they would be interested in receiving discounts and personalised offers via text. You can use posters, flyers, or even billboards to advertise your SMS opt in service. Don’t forget to remind staff that they need to collect as many numbers as possible, you could even make it an in-house competition to motivate floor staff. 

Run an SMS contest or giveaway 

A contest or giveaway is a popular choice for entrepreneurs looking to grow their SMS database and increase their social media following. Although this can generate a lot of buzz, it’s important to note that this method is more effective on a short-term basis. To generate the highest number of leads and SMS opt-in rates be sure to create a sense of urgency, set a low bar for entry, leverage partner networks, and offer an irresistible prize. 

Create a special perks or VIP club

Another way to draw in customers and build your database is by re-marketing your campaign as a special perks or VIP club. A massive 50% of consumers agree that they would opt into an SMS loyalty program in exchange for flash sales, deals or coupons. You can offer your customers unique promotions, special discounts, early access to sales, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content through SMS marketing. Customers will be more inclined to give you their personal contact details when they feel they are gaining something in return. 

Provide valuable and relevant content 

It’s worth mentioning that increasing SMS opt in rates also means decreasing opt out rates. You can do this by making sure that your content is both valuable and relevant to the recipient. Don’t spam your customers with dozens of messages, instead keep communication simple and direct. You can also personalise your messages by segmenting your database across age, gender, or preferences. This will enhance your customer’s experience and promote a healthy relationship with your brand.

You can learn more about SMS marketing today by contacting an Esendex expert!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia