How to Generate & Maximise Customer Feedback for Your Clients

Topic: SMS Surveys & Feedback

Amplify your clients’ marketing campaigns with powerful insights from customer feedback surveys

As a marketing consultant or agency, you’re used to hearing your clients demanding “more” – more quality leads, more customer engagement, more revenue, and the list goes on. Through strategic communications and innovative marketing campaigns, your clients are relying on you to drive both awareness and growth for their business. 

To maximise your client’s ROI, it is crucial that you’re measuring and understanding their customer acquisition and retention costs.  And with 2020 challenging businesses to up their game, BDO Australia served up a timely reminder that it is typically “between five to twenty-five times more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer.” The takeaway? Marketing agencies need to deliver strategies and communications that enhance customer loyalty for long-term success.

With customer loyalty being the end goal, customer feedback surveys are designed to generate robust data and insights for effective marketing communications and campaigns. After all, there’s nothing more powerful than feedback garnered straight from the horse’s mouth.

Esendex’s top 3 customer survey ideas for marketing consultants and agencies

Collating information en masse in a structured format, customer surveys are an indispensable tool for collecting consumer feedback and data. SMS surveys have proven to have an open rate of 94% and a user response time of just 90 seconds, which can be advantageously leveraged via Esendex’s SMS Surveys or Mobile Journeys

1) Market research your client’s existing customer database

Considering that loyal customers are much more likely to transact with a business they already trust, a logical first step would be to conduct market research on your client’s existing customer database. CPM Australia found that 35% of customers “want a service experience tailored/personalised to their needs” – by surveying the existing audience about which products and services they’d like to see more of, you can then start collating some really valuable insights for your clients. 

To further personalise and fine-tune the segmentation of your marketing campaigns, you can also use surveys to build a deeper understanding of your clients’ audiences. Consequently, you’ll be able to confidently tailor your overall strategy based on customer demographics and interests.

Sample survey to gauge new product interest

*Business name*: Hi *name*, we’re looking to bring you even more value with some exciting new products. To help us create products you love, can you please answer a few questions?

  • Do you ever purchase *insert product / service*? Please reply YES or NO.
    • If YES: Where do you typically go, when looking for *insert product / service*? For example, do you usually research online or prefer to go in-store.
    • What would you say are 3 important features when you’re selecting *insert product / service*?
    • What is your preferred budget for *insert product / service*? Please indicate your price range in AUD.

2) Boosting data health

In today’s fast-paced world, consumers have become increasingly comfortable sharing their personal data and shopping habits with interested businesses and subsequently, data integrity expectations have also risen exponentially.  Encouraging survey completion, Qualtrics suggested that larger incentives will generally produce higher response rates, such as an exclusive offer for the first 100 survey respondents. 

Rather than coming across as mass-market spam, you’ll also want to fool-proof your campaigns against personalisation mishaps, for example, incorrect or misspelt names. With Esendex’s SMS Surveys, you can help your clients to quickly and cost-effectively improve their customer data health.

Sample SMS survey to verify personal details

  • *Business name*: Hi *Name*, to ensure you only receive the most relevant updates, we’re going to ask a couple of questions regarding your current *insert service / product* requirements. 
    • You recently purchased *insert service / product*. Would you like to receive updates regarding new products and offers? Please reply with YES or NO.
  • *Business name*: Hi *Name* we are currently reviewing our customer data. Is *insert customer email address* still your best email address? Please reply with YES or NO.
  • *Business name*: Hi *Name*, you’ve previously requested for notifications of future events in Melbourne. Please can you reply with YES or NO, as to whether this still applies.
    • If NO: Thanks *Name*. If you would like event notifications to be updated to a different region, please respond with this detail. If not, simply reply OPT OUT.

3) Enhancing customer feedback and satisfaction

With constant demands for better customer service, CPM Australia reported that 72% of customers believe Australian companies are not placing high importance on providing excellent customer service, with over 79% of unsatisfied customers sharing their negative experience via word of mouth. A make or break for businesses looking to retain and acquire customers, businesses need to collate customer feedback and satisfaction measures to make informed decisions. 

Through regular customer feedback and satisfaction surveys, you can empower your clients with key findings for future marketing campaigns. 

Sample survey for to gauge customer satisfaction

  • *Business name*: Hi *Name*, we’d like to ask you a few questions about your online experience today
    • On a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being the most positive, how would you rate the usability of the *insert business name* website?
    • On a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being the most positive, what was your experience engaging with our new live chat service on the site today?
  • *Business name*: Hi *Name*, on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being the most positive, how would you rate your satisfaction of today’s delivery?
  • *Business name*: Hi *Name*, you recently purchased *insert product*. On average how many times per week would you say you use this product?

Encourage your clients to keep the dialogue open with their customers

Good or bad, honest feedback and validated customer reviews can be a game-changer for clients who are looking to enhance their customer retention and acquisition numbers. Rather than costly experimenting, customer surveys are a fantastic tool for marketing agencies to steer a long-term, data-driven campaign strategy towards success. 

Esendex has supported over 45,000 clients worldwide to achieve their KPIs via cutting-edge, mobile-led communication solutions. Maximising your agency and client’s ROI, our SMS Surveys and Mobile Journeys can be tailored to power-up your customer data insights. 

To learn more about our customer feedback and satisfaction solutions, specific to your industry, contact us on 1300 764 946 or email [email protected]

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia