Olympic Success with Business SMS

Topic: Esendex, Industry News

London 2012 OlympicsIt is now less than two years until the London 2012 Olympic Games, but the recruitment for the army of volunteers has already started. Organisers will need around 70,000 ‘Games Makers’ to assist with a wide range of services all around the UK – such as transportation, medical assistance, ticket sales and helping with the athletes’ accomodation.About a million people across the UK have come forward to offer their services and the organisers are now facing the Olympic-sized task of selecting the Games Makers.  Sorting through the piles of applications, organising interviews and creating all the shift patterns (each volunteer needs to work for at least ten days) is a huge task. This requires exceptional communication between organisers and applicants, in spite of location. It’s perfectly suited to an SMS solution and so we were thrilled when we were asked to help out.Esendex, a leading provider of business SMS services in Australia, has been selected to supply SMS services to assist in the recruitment process for the Games Makers and we are determined to help make sure that London 2012 is a great success.  Although we won’t be winning any medals on the track, we’ll be providing a world class performance behind the scenes through the use of our SMS tools.

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia