Our Pricing Policy explained

Topic: Esendex, Guides
One SMS is much like another, right? So why are everybody’s prices different?Esendex has never sought to be a least-cost router although we’ve always tried to be competitive. Our pricing policy is based on 4 basic principles:
  1. Keep it simple
  2. The more you spend, the lower the price
  3. The greater your commitment, the lower the price
  4. Esendex needs to be a profitable business to offer a viable, long term Business SMS Service. 

Keep it simple

We operate in a number of markets, not just Australia but also the UK, Ireland, Spain, France and Germany and and over the years we have realised that the vast majority of our customers send “local” traffic: Australian customers tend to send within Australia, German customers tend to send within Germany.We have sufficient volume in each market to offer our customers a “blended” price: we make no distinction between local and international traffic. We do not operate on a credit basis – one SMS – or indeed Voice SMS – can be sent anywhere.Some destinations cost us a little more, some a little less but we can absorb these variances. Most of our customers find this clarity important.We also make no charge for delivery receipts, set-up, support or our SDKs.

The more you spend, the lower the price.

Other SMS providers prefer a flatter price profile, ie there is a smaller discount for higher volumes. Some even offer flat pricing regardless of volume.This can be to our disadvantage in straight price comparisons but we believe that it’s the right thing to do.When you are doing your own price comparison its worth considering how we’ll compare in the future when your volumes have grown, not just now when you are starting out.Some of our customers have even chosen to do their testing with the cheapest service they can find and then move over to us once they’ve gone live.

The greater your commitment, the lower the price

We offer 2 basic pricing schemes: Prepaid SMS and our SMS Tracker Tariff.Our lowest pricing is reserved for those customers who can make a greater commitment to us.Potential customers sometimes ask why they should pay more if they pay in advance. We ask our Credit customers to commit to us (a minimum spend of just $25 for at least 3 months for our Tracker Tariff) and we feel that we need to reward or incentivise this commitment. And for those customers who can commit to a specific volume each month we’re able to lock in an even better price with a bespoke tariff.We also believe that it’s in everyone’s interests to enter into a longer term arrangement – we’re still working with almost 75% of our first 100 customers from 2002!

Esendex needs to be a profitable business to offer a viable, long term Business SMS Service.

The SMS market is a competitive one and we’re mindful of this – in fact we’ve just reduced all our prices. But if you are to enter into a long term relationship or are prepurchasing messages you need to know that those messages will still be available when you need them in the future.Esendex is no start-up. We’ve been profitable for many years and can afford to continue to grow and develop our service.We also need to be able to afford to deliver your messages via more than one route.The Mobile Network Operator’s connections fail. If your supplier’s pricing is based on a mark-up on a single route what happens when that route fails? Can they still afford to deliver your message? Esendex can deliver via a minimum of 4 routes into each of its markets and this is absorbed within our pricing.

So is Esendex right for you?

Our pricing works for most – it’s not right for everyone.However, we are also flexible. If you are delivering to a specific market or have particular constraints or issues we may be able to construct a bespoke tariff.Give us a call on 1300-764-946 or email [email protected] if you’d like to talk through your requirements.

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