Protecting yourself from Spectre and Meltdown

Topic: Technical

At the start of 2018 we were greeted by the discovery of two major security vulnerabilities – Spectre and Meltdown. This pair of vulnerabilities affect the modern processors that are inside nearly every computer, smartphone and tablet in the world.

What are Spectre and Meltdown?

If you are not sure what Spectre and Meltdown are, here’s a great explanation. In short, they are hardware bugs that could allow hackers to steal information and data from the computer’s chip. That means passwords that are stored in a password manager or on browsers; personal photos, emails, instant messages and documents.

Am I affected?    

Most likely, yes. The problem with Spectre and Meltdown is that they are design flaws in the microprocessor, so it is very likely that the devices you are using, and/or the operating systems, applications and servers that you use, are affected by this flaw.

How do I protect myself from Spectre and Meltdown then?   

Since the discoveries in early January, companies like Microsoft, Apple and Google have provided advice and released patches to mend the vulnerabilities. Users are recommended to take the time to read their advice properly and keep the software or operating system of your devices up to date.

What is Esendex doing about it?  

Depending on availability of patches from vendors, Esendex will be rolling out security patches across our system over the next few days and weeks. We also have strict security measures and processes in place that protect us and our customers’ data against hackers. You can found more in depth information about the issue at the below links:ImoreUbuntuWiredNorton 

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia