Shoppers want more mobile marketing

Topic: Communication, Uses of SMS

15667399743_d8532a06e8_cIn one form or another, shopping is a daily activity. When was the last time you went a whole day without buying a single thing? It’s necessary, but it’s also one of the most popular recreational activities in Australia. While it’s practical, it can also be just for fun. That’s why reaching out to potential consumers, to make sure your products and services are showcased well, can make all the difference in sales results.Previously, it has been a struggle for businesses to find the best way to do this. Some have opted for billboards, direct mailing lists, advertisements in newspapers and more. However, we now have evidence showing how consumers actually want to be informed.A ground-breaking IBM study has revealed that shoppers want more mobile marketing to aid their purchasing choice.

  • 42% of people said they would share their mobile number for text messaging purposes.
  • 44% of consumers want on-demand communication when they are inside a store.
  • 41% said it is important that store associates offer personalised promotions based upon their purchase history or preference.

Interestingly, the study found that sales associates were the least trusted resource when consumers want to know more about a product (but they’re always so honest!) Instead, now it’s all about the smartphones to enrich your customers’ experience.There are all kinds of ways to incorporate more mobile marketing, including sending text messages to your customer database about deals and special promotions. Now there are even more advanced ways to target shoppers. One popular use of text messaging is geofencing. Geofencing is a technology that allows businesses to be informed about when a person with a smartphone is near a store location. Once the customer approaches the store, they automatically receive text messages relating to the products on offer inside, or any deals available.A shoe store in Guatemala, Meat Pack, took this to the next level and created a Hijack campaign, where they would start a countdown when you were in a store that sold the same shoes they did. The countdown was the value of the discount they would offer when the customer arrived in store. So now that we know customers enjoy a mobile-active shopping experience, it’s time to look into ways to implement a more robust mobile marketing strategy for your business. Give us a call today on 1300 764 946 and one of our experts will help you out!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia