What your customers really want?

Topic: Communication, Uses of SMS

Untitled (1)Today’s consumers have high expectations. Technological advancements have taught them that products, services, and really anything they need, should be easily and quickly accessible. Thanks to the mobile device, consumers are flooded with options. So it’s understandable that customer service is becoming more of a determining factor when it comes to purchase choices.Estimations show that by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as a key brand leader (Customer 2020 Report.) So businesses need to be on-the-ball when it comes to the service they provide. Luckily, this doesn’t need to be as resource draining as it sounds. You don’t need to spend a fortune hiring more and more staff to keep in touch with customers.Customer service quality can be boosted by improving mobile communication, by implementing a cost-efficient and simple SMS solution. Text messaging is concise, fast and versatile. It’s also a great way to relate personally to your customers, as it’s the same medium they use to communicate with their friends and family!Phone calls, letters and emails are a time-consuming and costly means to keep in touch with your customers to provide that extra level of service. They can also be frustrating both for your business and your customers. Emails get lost in bursting inboxes, and phone calls aren’t always convenient to have.  64% of consumers with smartphones prefer text messaging over voice as a customer service channel and 77% are more likely to have a positive perception of a company that offers SMS (One Reach.)A text message is a less disruptive way to inform your customers about sales and promotions, provide them with delivery notifications or anything else you may want to communicate with them about. It’s also the quickest way to keep in touch, which prevents delayed communications and extended waiting periods.Instant, easy and effective communication with SMS ensures that you can exceed your customers every service expectation!If you’d like to learn more about meeting customers’ needs give us a call 1300 764 946 and talk to one of our experts today!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia