SMS combats diabetes!

Topic: Industry News

A female doctor dialing a cell phoneWith an estimated 280 Australians developing diabetes every day, it is the fastest growing chronic health condition facing us today. Perhaps even more shocking than the growing rate of diabetes, is that it’s largely preventable.

In some cases, type 2 diabetes can be prevented by simple lifestyle modification. However, intensive lifestyle intervention measures for those at risk can be expensive, time-consuming and difficult to maintain. International studies have shown that text messaging can be effectively harnessed to encourage healthier lifestyle habits, which can help combat the onset of diabetes in men. Over 2 years, the study group in India was sent between 60 and 80 SMS messages. The messages included basic reminders, like not to snack while watching TV because it can lead to overeating.The study concluded that the messages helped cut new diabetes cases by almost 40%, and 95% of participants also enjoyed receiving the messages. This method could also have major success in Australia.In addition to the positive impact SMS has shown for diabetes prevention, it has also shown potential for aiding diabetes management. Recent research proved that SMS messaging diabetes patients with helpful tips to manage the condition can bring down the cost of diabetes treatment by 8.8%. The messaging also prompted an improvement in patients satisfaction with overall care.If you are a healthcare provider, or a diabetic Australian that would like to see the success of these campaigns for managing diabetes locally, give us a call on 1300 764 946 or sign up for a free trial today!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia