SMS sweet nothings

Topic: Industry News
Today is the day to declare your love for someone, so I thought that this was rather appropriate.As Valentine’s Day falls midweek this year, there’s a very high chance that you and your loved one won’t be in the same place all day, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t send sweet nothings to each other. According to AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph) Valentine’s Day is the most popular holiday for text messaging, resulting in a 33% spike in SMS traffic.  The multiple messages of love sent over the course of the day, rather than one to simply wish ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’, can explain the increase. Research also shows that people prefer to send short and sweet messages to their Valentine using SMS shorthand such as ILU (I love you), 2G2BT (Too good to be true) and KOTC (Kiss on the cheek).

“Today’s etiquette allows for serious or meaningful messages, like those sent on holidays, to be sent via text messages,”

said Mark Collins, vice president of Data Marketing for AT&T’s wireless unit.

“These data points are additional evidence of how influential mobile phones have been, and continue to be, in shaping cultural norms.”

Happy Valentine’s Day XOXOXOXOXO (hugs and kisses)

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