Change your communication with SMS to Voice messaging

Topic: Communication, Esendex, Uses of SMS

While it would seem that everyone these days is glued to their mobile phones using text messaging and apps, for lots of people voice communication is still preferred. Text to Voice services offer your business the versatility to communicate using the convenience of SMS. However, it delivers your message via your recipients’ preferred communication method.Submit your text messages to landlines as well as mobile devices through our online platform. Using the Voice SMS feature, your messages will be read out to your recipients as an audio message.You can also be confident your message is received, with an “acknowledged” message status. Recipients can acknowledge they’ve received your message by simply pressing one number after the message has been read out.One industry that this service could be particularly valuable to is the logistics sector. Our SMS to Voice system could be integrated into the delivery stages of an order for the safety and efficiency of the courier.Drivers need to be contactable for the purpose of keeping instructions up to date. However, drivers can’t text while driving for obvious safety reasons. What most people don’t realise is it’s actually just as dangerous for them to pull over to receive a phone call. The only legal way of using a mobile phone while driving is by using hands free kits, which can be fixed in your truck easily. Delivering an SMS to voice message could have instructions read out to them, while they keep their eyes on the road, making it the safest and most efficient way to communicate.This feature is also particularly efficient when communicating with older Australians who may be less mobile-friendly, as well as visually impaired audiences who could have difficulty reading text messages. You could easily let your customers know when to expect their deliveries by using this feature, like so:voice smsOur voice SMS service is available in multiple languages as well, including English, Spanish, German and French. If you wish to communicate in another language, we can also attempt to make this possible for you. So it’s a great way to communicate with wide audiences, so no one misses the message.If you’d like to learn more about how to make this feature work for you, give us a call today on 1300 764 946!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia