3 Leap Year sales ideas (and how SMS can help deliver them)

Topic: Marketing, Retail, Uses of SMS

Did you know that 2020 is a Leap Year?. 29th February is a really special day, as it happens only once every 4 years, and like all other special days like Christmas, Black Friday and New Year, it is a great chance for businesses to run some form of promotion to maximise this extra day. Here are 3 Leap Year sales ideas and how we think SMS can help businesses to boost delivery and conversions. 

29% discount or $29 deal

Who doesn’t love a discount or special deal? After Christmas and New Year we are all probably dying for another great bargain; Leap Day makes the perfect excuse. So why not give 29% discount or have selected items on sales for $29 available only on the 29th February? Consider announcing the offer via social media earlier in the month to allow customers time for planning, then send them an SMS on the day as a reminder to create a sense of urgency. 

Special birthday gifts for the Leap Year babies

Two smart phones one with an SMS another with the SMS Landing Page with happy birthday messageFor those who are born on 29th February (that’s less than 0.07% of world’s population), their birthdays only come by every 4 years, and as a company you only get to celebrate with them every 4 years too, so make the most of it by making it really special. Whether it is a free course from the special menu, or bring a friend to enjoy a free meal, the important thing is to personalise the birthday message and offer to show that this really is a special gift for them. Afterall, 79% of consumers say that they are only likely to engage with an offer if it has been personalised to reflect their previous interaction with the brand. (Source)We recommend sending your message via SMS Landing Pages where you can send images, personalised content and call-to-action buttons, while enjoying the high open rate and conversion rate of SMS.

Service upgrade or experience on Leap Day

For travel companies, cruises, airlines and adventure tour companies, consider giving some sort of special offer to customers on Leap Day. Whether it’s free access to airport lounges, a free bottle of wine to guests or free upgrade on Leap Day, it is a great chance to offer customers a taste of your service that they haven’t tried before and turn them into regular customers. To ensure you have enough staff members to provide the services, consider using SMS for rostering or to fill in vacant shifts for fast return and effectiveness to maximise your man power on a busy day. If you would like to know how SMS can help your business to deliver a great Leap Year sale, get in touch via 1300 764 946 or [email protected]

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia