Deliver a perfect mobile experience this sales season with SMS Landing Pages

Topic: Marketing, Retail

According to Australia Post, the five weeks from 11th November to 15th December accounted for almost 15% of all eCommerce transactions for 2018; with Black Friday / Cyber Monday being the peak period and over 28% year on year growth. As we are sailing into November, retailers and consumers alike are welcoming Single Day, Click Frenzy, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the Christmas sales with open arms, eager to make the best out of the sales season.Many brands focus on perfecting the mCommerce experience, and they have legitimate reasons for it, after all 48% of Australian shop via mobile at least once a week. In fact, purchases made via mobile in 2018 saw a 29% YOY growth, compared to -5.1% and -11% for laptop and desktop respectively (source).  Besides, according to the MiQ report, Australians are, compared to the UK, US and Canada, more likely to use mobile devices for every holiday shopping-related task, from browsing to reading reviews and making the actual purchases (source). Little do retailers know though, a positive mobile experience can be damaged by a poor email experience on mobile (source). Email that’s displayed poorly on mobile, for instance, is likely to be deleted in under three seconds by more than 70% of users; 15% of users will even unsubscribe (source). So what sort of formatting issues are at risk? 

  • Oversized or out-of-place images
  • Too much text without enough breaks
  • Multiple column layouts without a responsive template
  • Lack of alt text for when images can’t be loaded 

If you want to ensure your communications are 100% spot-on on mobile while continuing to deliver messages that are visually appealing and on brand, our new product SMS Landing Pages are exactly what you are looking for. 

What is an SMS Landing Page?

An SMS Landing Page is essentially a web page that’s designed for viewing on mobile phones. It contains all the appealing visual elements that any web page has, think images, brand colours, logo and call-to-action buttons; plus something quite unique – personalised content – and that’s from text to images to even the call-to-action buttons to tailor for the best personal experience.

What can retailers benefit from using SMS Landing Pages?

So as retailers you’d be able to deliver a message that’s unique to each and every one of your recipients and have the peace of mind that they will have the best mobile experience. Did we mention that the SMS Landing Pages will be delivered via SMS, which means you will also be able to enjoy the 94% open rate (compared to the 32.4% open rate of email)? In fact, our beta users have reported great success with SMS Landing Pages; one of them, for instance, has seen a 30% increase in conversion rate

How can retailers use SMS Landing Pages for this sales season?

SMS Landing Page for Black Friday offer SMS Landing Page for Single Day offer preview SMS Landing Page for Click Frenzy countdown                 Since SMS Landing Pages provide the same kind of content support as email, that means retailers can pretty much use it for any messages they would have sent via email. So anything from:

  • Preview of sales products
  • Announcement of sales details 
  • Provide personalised recommendations based on users’ spending history
  • Abandoned cart alerts
  • Count down the closing of your special deals

If you’d like to trial SMS Landing Pages for this sales season and see its power for yourself, please get in touch at 1300 764 946 or [email protected], we’d be delighted to help you achieve your best ever sales season.

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia