3 ways SMS Landing Pages can help with internal communication this EOFY

Topic: Communication

The End of Financial Year is fast approaching, the busiest time of year for HR and accounts departments. This year it is likely to be even more challenging as many businesses have gone through significant changes in the last few months amid the COVID-19 crisis, with many still working from home or remotely, making communications between departments more difficult.

We’ve touched on the challenges companies face nowadays with internal communications, particularly with their casual workers, and how SMS can help with its high open rate, quick response time and the benefit of being the universal default app to all mobile phones. 

With our SMS Landing Pages, you can even bypass the text and character limitation of SMS and include multiple call-to-action buttons to prompt the recipients to take further actions. Here are 3 ways SMS Landing Pages can help with internal communications this EOFY. 

1. Changes on obtaining Payment Summary

An illustration of two phones, one with an SMS the other has an SMS Landing Page reminding staff how to access their payment summary in line with ATO changes

In line with ATO changes, employees will not receive a physical Payment Summary document from their employer anymore. Instead, they are required to log into their myGov account or go to their accountant to access the income statement. 

To avoid any confusion and overloading phone calls to the HR or accounts department, companies can use SMS Landing Pages to explain the change of policy and direct employees to the ATO website for further information. 

2. Reminder to submit timesheets and claim forms 

An illustration of two phones, one with an SMS the other has an SMS Landing Page reminding staff to submit claim forms and timesheets before the end of the month

For companies who have remote, part-time or casual staff, it could be difficult to get all the timesheets and claim forms back on time for payroll to be processed and for the accounts department to close off the year properly. 

Sending an SMS reminder to all your remote, part-time and casual staff at the end of the month to remind them to submit their timesheets and claim forms can make the process much smoother. 

SMS Landing Pages enable you to direct staff to submit the document at the right place; you can also direct staff to the various guidelines and policies regarding these documents for easy access.   

3. Invitation to EOFY celebration 

An illustration of two phones, one with an SMS the other has an SMS Landing Page with an invitation to the EOFY party

Many companies do EOFY celebrations to thank the hard work from their staff and celebrate everything they’ve achieved throughout the year. Sending SMS Landing Pages as invitations can provide many benefits. Not only can you brand the SMS Landing Pages with all your company branding, you can also include multiple call-to-action buttons like link to RSVP, Add to Calendar button to enable recipients to lock in the event at their mobile calendar and the Location button to provide information on how to get to the venue.

If having a physical EOFY celebration is not possible due to the social distancing restrictions, consider moving this online and include the link to the online meeting as the call-to-action button for your employees to join the celebration online. 

If you’d like to use SMS Landing Pages to communicate with your staff members, please get in touch at 1300 764 946 or [email protected].

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia