75% of Australian consumers willing to receive mobile ads

Topic: Esendex, Industry News
Latest research from ComScore and InMobi has found that Australians are the most comfortable with receiving mobile advertising. The research, which was based on the response of 22,000 men and women from 14 countries, revealed that 75% of Aussies were “somewhat comfortable” about receiving mobile advertising and 48% were “very comfortable”.
This makes Australians the most receptive to mobile advertising in the world; ahead of Europe on 68% and the US on 63%. The researchers believe that Australians are the most comfortable because Australia is one of the worlds’s most technologically advanced markets.
So why were respondents so willing to receive advertisement? Well more than half (56%) said they wanted to receive new product information, whilst 37% wanted to learn about something. Amazingly 34% believe that the best benefit of mobile advertising was that you could receive something for free.
Given these results, it comes as somewhat of a surprise that businesses haven’t taken advantage of this willingness to receive advertisements. Many big brands seem to be holding back, watching and waiting to see what their competitors will do. However this strategy puts them at risk of “missing the boat”. The report suggests that smaller more nimble businesses have an opportunity to make strong in-roads into the world of mobile advertising just by experimenting and engaging with the channel.
If you would like to talk to someone about how mobile adverting can help your business, give us a call on 1300 764 946 – we can even give you some free messages to test with.
Latest research from ComScore and InMobi has found that Australians are the most comfortable with receiving mobile advertising. The research, which was based on the response of 22,000 men and women from 14 countries, revealed that 75% of Aussies were “somewhat comfortable” about receiving mobile advertising and 48% were “very comfortable”.
This makes Australians the most receptive to mobile advertising in the world; ahead of Europe on 68% and the US on 63%. The researchers believe that Australians are the most comfortable because Australia is one of the worlds’s most technologically advanced markets.
So why were respondents so willing to receive advertisement? Well more than half (56%) said they wanted to receive new product information, whilst 37% wanted to learn about something. Amazingly 34% believe that the best benefit of mobile advertising was that you could receive something for free.
Given these results, it comes as somewhat of a surprise that businesses haven’t taken advantage of this willingness to receive advertisements. Many big brands seem to be holding back, watching and waiting to see what their competitors will do. However this strategy puts them at risk of “missing the boat”. The report suggests that smaller more nimble businesses have an opportunity to make strong in-roads into the world of mobile advertising just by experimenting and engaging with the channel.
If you would like to talk to someone about how mobile adverting can help your business, give us a call on 1300 764 946 – we can even give you some free messages to test with.
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Liz Wilson