Mobile marketing – the platform for the future

Topic: Esendex, Industry News

This year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona was dominated by exhibiting companies promoting mobile marketing. In fact a BBC article covering the event highlights how the marketing industry is racing to embrace the mobile channel. Major brands such as Unilever and Procter & Gamble are allocating big budgets to their mobile marketing campaigns.Kerstin Trikalitis, from Out There Media, claims that they experienced triple-digit growth rates in the preceding 18 months and says that this trend looks set to continue through 2011.  “When an ad is targeted and it is valuable then consumers do like it. We are getting response rates of 20, 25%, which shows it’s working.”However marketers should still proceed carefully. Whilst mobile phones are undoubtedly the perfect channel for marketer, with most recipients carrying their phones with them at all the time; they are also the recipients’ personal space. Therefore marketers need to make sure that their messages are relevant and correctly targeted.Fortunately our Echo application makes this easy to do. With Echo you can target specific customer segments with individual contents. This allows you to give every customer in your campaign a personalised message.

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Liz Wilson