Australians are becoming more mobile

Topic: Esendex, Industry News
The pressure on Australians companies to embrace mobile technology increased last week. An article featured in smartcompany claimed that by 2015 there will be 56 million mobile devices connected in Australia, meaning that Australians will own an average of 2.4 mobile devices.
In addition to this, the use of mobile devices is also advancing rapidly. The processing power of mobiles is becoming more powerful, and as they do so, users are using them to do more and more. This presents both a threat and an opportunity to Australian companies who haven’t yet embraced mobile technology.
Companies who continue to “stick their head in the sand” run the risk of losing market share to younger start-ups; who can quickly respond to the demands of an ever increasingly sophisticated customer.
If this all seems a bit scary, it’s fortunate that one of the biggest uses of mobile technology is still SMS/text messaging.  You can use text messaging for anything from appointment reminders to integrating it into your website to transmit communications to your customers. And it’s really easy to implement.
If you’re still not convinced, why not take a free trial? Or talk to us about your business and we’ll suggest some ways we can help.
The pressure on Australians companies to embrace mobile technology increased last week. An article featured in smartcompany claimed that by 2015 there will be 56 million mobile devices connected in Australia, meaning that each Australian will own an average of 2.4 mobile devices.
In addition to this, the uses of mobile devices is also advancing rapidly. The processing power of mobiles is becoming more powerful, and as they do so, users are using them to do more and more. This presents both a threat and an opportunity to Australian companies who haven’t yet embraced mobile technology.
Companies who continue to “stick their head in the sand” run the risk of losing market share to younger start-ups; who can quickly respond to the demands of an ever increasingly sophisticated customer.
If this all seems a bit scary, it’s fortunate that one of the biggest uses of mobile technology is still SMS/text messaging.  You can use text messaging for anything from appointment reminders to integrating it into your website to transmit communications to your customers. And it’s really easy to implement.
If you’re still not convinced, why not take a free trial? Or talk to us about your business and we’ll suggest some ways we can help.
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Liz Wilson