What gyms need to do to reopen?

Topic: Communication, Critical communications, Uses of SMS

Gyms’ reopening – how to communicate all the new safety measures?

After months of strict lockdown restrictions, gyms and fitness centers are finally starting to reopen with social distancing rules and safety measures applied. For many people – trainers, gyms owners and the general public alike, it is a much anticipated reopening and many are eager to go straight back to their fitness training. 

The reopening dates of gyms are different state by state. Besides the four square meter rule and social distancing measures that applied to all gyms, there are also different limitations around the number of people as well as policies on shared equipment imposed by different state government. Here’s a snapshot of it.

Australia gyms reopen dates and safety measures by state

Addition to the above, each gym will have their own new class schedules, new opening hours, access of facilities, cleaning protocols and policies around signing in to enable contact tracing etc that needs to be communicated to their staff and members to ensure a safe reopening. We’ve put together the below infographic to give gyms owners an idea of how to communicate the different messages effectively.

An Infographic on what product to use for gyms to communicate the different safety measures

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia