Are your online advertising strategies working for you?

Topic: Marketing, Retail

The Australian online advertising market reached $7.6 billion last financial year and accounted for close to 50% of all advertising spend (source). Yet research from IAB revealed that one in four Australian uses ad blocking technology, prompting marketers to reconsider how effective this channel really is. And with the potential levy on digital advertising, it’s perhaps time to review your advertising strategies and consider what is the best channel moving forward.

Do you really know your audience?

The recent Census data paints a picture of what a typical Australian looks like, but there are actually only 5,782 Australians in the whole country that fit the mould (source). This shows how diverse Australians are, and how fragmented the audiences have become. What we think are the typical characteristics of our audience might not be that typical after all. It is, therefore, more important than ever for marketers to really understand their customers and audiences. Make use of the data you collect at every touch point of their journey to map out who they are, their preferences and how they like to interact with your brand. And remember customers want to be known too. 63% of millennial customers say that they are willing to share data with companies that send personalised offers and discounts (source). So don’t be afraid to send them a short survey to gather additional information. If you are struggling with response rate on email, try using SMS surveys for better results.

Customer experience is a key differentiator for today’s customers

The Commonwealth Bank’s latest retail insights survey found that despite 86% of retailers surveyed said that having a unique customer proposition is important, only 8% of consumers surveyed thought retailers are highly differentiated (source).So what is missing there? A recent survey on retail disruptors revealed focusing on customer experience sets them apart.  Ease, speed and convenience are the very basics needs for today’s customers. Friction-free mobile experience is taken for granted. But if you are really serious about providing the best customer experience, personalisation is one answer:

79% of consumers say that they are only likely to engage with an offer if it has been personalised to reflect their previous interaction with the brand. (Marketo)CTAs that are personalised to individual visitors have a 42% higher view-to-submission rather than the generic ones. (HubSpot)64% of consumers surveyed say they are more likely to recommend a brand if it does a great job of delivering personally relevant content. (OneSpot)

With the Australian TV channels introducing addressable advertising solutions later this year, personalisation will become the new norms for marketing and advertising.

Mobile + Personalisation = SMS Landing Page

If you are looking for a different tool to boost your next marketing campaign, take a look at our SMS landing page. It is a web page that is specifically designed for viewing on mobile phone. It has all the appealing visual design elements of any web page – images, brand colours, call-to-action buttons; and the added ability to personalise content for each recipient easily with the use of dynamic fields.

SMS Landing Page

So for a birthday offer like the example above, all you need to do is put the square brackets around the text that is personalised, in this case the first name in the text “Happy Birthday [FirstName]” and the discount the customer is going to receive in the call-to-action button “ENJOY YOUR [discount]% OFF”.It really is that simple. And you can do all this via our messaging studio platform, where you can upload your data with as much personalised content as you want. Then you can pick your brand colour, upload your logo and images, customise your call-to-action buttons, and send the landing page via SMS messages to enjoy the benefit of the much higher visibility of SMS than email, all in one go.  And because you can use different forms of rich content such as maps, photos or a link to add the event to the recipient’s calendar, this boosts the usability of SMS landing pages ahead of plain-text SMS. Whether it is promotional offers, event invitations or new product launches, you can benefit from the combined power of personalisation and mobile-first.If you would like to discuss how you can make use of the SMS landing page for a more successful campaign, contact us today!

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Prachi Bametha

Marketing Coordinator, Esendex Australia